Leeds Baton Rouge Majorettes

ImageLeeds Baton Rouge (LBR) Majorettes will be hitting their 3rd Birthday in January 2012, and we have plans to make 2012 our best year yet! LBR are currently putting together new routines for all sections ready for the start of the 2012 competitions season in April. So its the best time to join if your thinking of trying your hand to Majorettes. We take young people aged 6 plus.
LBR now have the following sections, training in better facilities twice a week.
Dinkies, Tinies, Juniors, Seniors, Military & Combination – majority of which do both baton and pom routines.
New Training Venues & Times
Tuesdays 6-8pm @ Cockburn High School Dance Studio’s for Dinkies, Tinies and Juniors
Fridays 6-8pm @ Middleton Community Centre for Seniors, Military & Combination
If you would like further information please contact Lauren on 07912746787 or email leedsbatonrouge@googlemail.com