Local funeral directors, W Kaye & Son, who have branches in Beeston and Middleton, are hosting a Virtual Memorial Service for families and friends to remember their loved ones, The Virtual Service will be held on Sunday 13 December at 2pm.
With support from St Luke’s Church and key local ministers they are hosting this Memorial Service for all the bereaved families who they have served this past year.
Families can be part of our service by logging on to the St Luke’s Facebook page: facebook.com/stlukeschurchholbeck
Funeral Manager, Peter Young, said:
“We have been overwhelmed by the strength and understanding of the families for whom we have arranged funerals for this year and we hope that this Virtual Memorial Service will bring them some comfort at this time”.
An important part of the service will be an Act of Remembrance when we will light a candle to signify all the families we have helped and cared for in the last 12 months.
“Our caring staff will be available 24 hours a day over the Christmas and New Year period to look after local families who require our services,” said Peter.
This post is based on a press release issued by W Kaye & Son