Jobs and training open day for housing association tenants

Leeds Federated Housing Association has been in touch with details of an Open Day on Thursday:

An event where people can find out about local opportunities in training, employment and other support will take place this week.

The Employment and Training Open Day is being held at Leeds Federated Housing Association’s headquarters in Westfield Road, Burley on Thursday from 2pm to 4pm and is open to anyone that would like to go along.

There will be careers advice, business coaching, support in health and money matters and the chance to engage with training providers and a range of other organisations including University of Leeds, The Prince’s Trust, Leeds City Council, Elmfield Training and many more.

The event is being organised by Leeds Fed, Unity and Connect Housing to help people of all ages that are out of work, or currently not in training, employment or education.

It is part of the Know Yourself, Sell Yourself scheme run by the three housing providers which offers their tenants support and training in job hunting, interview techniques, CVs, and personal development.

Find out more at The next Open Day will be held on February 28th.

Know Yourself, Sell Yourself runs once a month and any Leeds Fed, Connect or Unity tenants that would like to get involved can contact:

Leed Fed: Trish Bowden, 0113 386 1170,

Connect Housing: Maria Hayden, 0113 207 9222,

Unity Housing: Kelly Jennings or Katie Jamieson, 0113 200 7738,

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