Is being creative good for you? We think so!!
According to www.bemorewithless.com Creativity helps you see things differently, and better deal with uncertainty. Being creative helps you become a better problem solver in all areas of your life and work”… and this month we’re encouraging lots of creativity in the GATE at Belle Isle TMO!
There are a few places left on our seven-week Actor Training course, which starts on Tuesday 28 February, and our eight-week Creative Writing course that starts on Tuesday 21 February.
The Actor training course is being delivered by renowned theatre makers Red Ladder of ‘The Damned United’ and ‘Leeds Lads’ fame and all levels of acting experience are welcome. Funded by the Inner South Community Committee the classes will take place in the evenings between 6pm and 8.30pm and are a great opportunity for people looking to hone their acting skills and could be the first step towards being part of Red Ladder’s upcoming community productions.
Pen to Paper, our new 8 week Creative Writing course starts on Tuesday 21 February from 1pm until 3pm. Delivered by James Major and Tony Gaughan the course will seek to inspire you to write, developing character, plot, as well as structuring your story and descriptive writing exercises.
And we don’t want you to get bogged down with worrying about spelling and punctuation, this group is all about creativity and using your imagination in a friendly and supportive environment….
To reserve a place on either of these courses contact the Community & Tenant Support team at the GATE on (0113) 378 2190