Inquiry looks into new Leeds Station Southern Entrance

Leeds Station southern entrance
Artist’s impression of the new southern entrance to Leeds Station
Plans for a new southern entrance to Leeds Rail Station will take another step forward when a Public Inquiry into the scheme is opened on Tuesday 27 November.

The entrance is supposed to provide better access to people who access the station from the south of the city.

Ordered by the Secretary of State for Transport after a review of letters of support, objections and representations about the scheme, the inquiry is part of the legal process so that land can be acquired and construction can start.

Metro Chairman Cllr James Lewis said:

“A Public Inquiry – which looks at support for the scheme as well as any objections – is a necessary part of obtaining the Transport and Works Act Order to allow construction to begin, and had been taken into account by the project team when looking at timescales.

“We still aim to begin construction in 2013 and have the new entrance open for business in late 2014, although that does depend on the length of time the Secretary of State takes to come to his decision.

“Our plans have been drawn up following consultations with the station’s users as well as local residents and businesses that would be affected during the construction phase, and once the new entrance opens to the public. We know from previous consultations that the scheme is popular with passengers who approach the station from the south, and it will relieve pressure on the existing entrances.”

Planning approval for the new entrance was obtained in May 2010 from Leeds City Council and Programme Entry Approval from the Department for Transport was given in February 2011. Detailed plans for Leeds Station Southern Entrance and other documents are available on Metro’s web site at

2 Replies to “Inquiry looks into new Leeds Station Southern Entrance”

  1. As this been opproved? Why does the council waste money on a new door for the station when we need moar hospitals?

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