The glue that holds South Leeds together is how Cllr Judith Blake described the audience of award winners.
Over a hunded local residents attended an event at South Leeds Stadium on 22 October. Organised by Councillors on the Inner South Community Committee, it recognised the groups and individuals that do so much in their communities.
Whether its helping older people, sports clubs, gardening and environment groups, galas and festivals; events and activities would not happen without an army of volunteers.
Speaking on behalf of all nine Councillors, Judith Blake said:
“We know how many people are really struggling out in our communities. It’s a difficult time on so many levels, and we all rely on you. The incredible work you do, the dedication you give, the hours and hours of volunteering. That incredible magic of greeting people out in the community, people who come to your events always to get a warm welcome and a smile. You provide the glue, the sparkle as well, of everything we do in our communities.
“I hope that you’ve all got the message now that in Leeds we believe in putting our people first, absolutely at the heart of everything we do. We recognise how important all of your contributions are and that we can’t take it for granted. It is sometghing very, very special indeed. So this really is our opportunity to say an enormous thank you to each and every one of you.
“Your contribution is beyond words and beyond calculation, it is just so important. It’s what makes our communities hold together.
“We need to do this more often, get out and celebrate everything that is good about Inner South Leeds.
“I want to thank all of you for what you’ve done over the years and more importantly I want to thank you for what you’re going to do over the coming years!”
Here’s full list of winners (in no particular order):
- Manorfield Hall Community Centre
- Slung Low/Holbeck Club
- Deborah Lawrence – Lollipop Lady at Beeston Primary School
- Hunslet Rugby Foundation
- Middleton Guides and Brownies
- Beeston in Bloom
- Jean Savoury
- South Leeds Lakers Juniors
- Jo Firth and Stephen Firth – Rowland Road Workings Men’s Club
- Friends of Hunslet Cemetery
- Masjid Ibraheem Leeds
- Cross Flatts Junior parkrun
- Holbeck Elderly Aid
- Phil George
- Christine Smart
- David Blong
- Asha Neighbourhood Project
- Rose Keebles
- Ciaran Bingham Foundation Trust
- The Hunslet Club
- Dennis Kitchen
- Christine Thompson
- Patricia Jackson
- South Leeds Live at Home
- Friends of Trenthan Park
- Holbeck Gala Committee
- Friends of Hunslet Moor/Hunslet Moor Residents
- Holbeck Foodbank
- Cottingley in Bloom
- Afia Khattun
- Al-Madina Jam-e-Masjid
- Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha
- Tasty Tuesdays/Happy Fridays team (At BITMO Gate)
- Harjinder Sagoo
- Hunslet TARA
- Middleton Elderly Aid
- Disabled Families of Middleton
- Holbeck in Bloom
- Friends of Middleton Park
- Beeston Festival Committee
- Dynamite Dance
- Friends of Cross Flatts Park
- Ken Burton – Beeston Local History Society
- Hamara Centre
- Trinity Network
- Health for All
- Cross Flatts parkrun
- South Leeds Radio
- South Leeds Lakers Running Club
- Mordred Carver
- Hunslet Carr Residents Association
- Belle Isle Senior Action
- Bridge Café in Cross Flatts Park
- Middleton Light Railway
- Paula Liptrot
- St Luke’s Cares
- Andrew Price
- Touchstone
- Friday Night Project
- Margaret Elizabeth Brown
- Jeremy Morton
- Urban Bike Park
- Kabir Majid
- Womanhood
- Abu Huraira Masjid
You can find a photo gallery from the awards night at www.facebook.com/LCCInnerSouth