Health For All family services welcomed in their new home

St John & St Barnabas church in Belle Isle has hosted the Belle Isle Family Centre for many years, but now have their own plans for their undercroft.

The good news is that no services are being cut as Health For All have been able to move all their groups and activities to Middleton Parochial Hall and the Middleton Family Centre.

To celebrate the move Health For All organised a half term family fun day at the Parochial Hall on Thursday 31 May. Over a hundred children parents and carers came along and enjoyed circus skills, skittles, hook a duck, bouncy castle and crafts. A lot of fun was had by all.

Groups moving to the Parochial Hall, North Lingwell Road: Red Lychee Chinese Seniors (Mon 10am-12pm); Blossom Kinship Support group (Mon 4-5:30pm); and Teenspirit Girls Group (Thur 4-5:30pm). Little Chefs cooking course will also be delivered at the Parochial Hall.

Groups moving to Middleton Family Centre, 256-262 Sissons Road: Women’s Wellbeing Group (Mon 1-3pm); Connected (Mon 4-5:30pm); Breast Feeding Support (Tues 10am-12pm); Teenspirit Boys (Tues 4-6pm); Minichefs (Wed 10-11:15am); Incredible Years Parenting Programme (Thur 10am-12pm); Be Yourself women’s group (Fri 10:30am-12:30pm); Men Behaving Dadly (Sat (11am-12:30pm); Bangla Square Youth Project (Sat 4-6pm).

Vikrant Bhatia from Health For All thanked Father Andy Myers and the congregation at St Mary’s for the warm welcome they and the groups have received.

“It’s been overwhelming” he said “and already there are more local people joining the groups and drawing on the support they provide. We are looking forward to a long and fruitful partnership serving the local community together.

“All local families from Belle Isle and Middleton are welcome to join our activities at Middleton Family Centre and Parochial Hall. To find out more about our activities and summer events please visit our new facebook page: familyfunathealthforall.”