An children’s activity pack originally made for use in schools with key workers’ children is now being made available for anyone to download for free.
Graft has collaborated with a group of artists during the current lockdown to create an activity pack about key workers for young children, it has already been sent out to all 224 schools across Leeds.
The pack is themed around the message ‘Thank you key workers’ and is suitable for children aged 3-12 years. It includes: colouring in, word searches, paper dolls, writing letters to key workers and a bit of information on what key workers do and how amazing they are.
Liam Robbins, Artistic Director at Graft Collaborative, commented:
“We are aware that some families won’t have access to a printer so we have added some colourings as JPEG’s so that they can be done on a phone, tablet or a PC. There is also an option to make a small donation to The Trussell Trust Food Bank that we have partnered with to help keep them running during these hard times.”
You can download the pack by clicking here
Graft Collaborative is a non-profit Community Interest Company established to support emerging creative practitioners from a range of artistic and performative disciplines through the development of engaging projects involving Leeds-based communities.