Golf Club becomes most recent Friend of South Leeds Life


Friends logo 1Middleton Park Municipal Golfers Club has become a Friend of South Leeds Life.

Golf course Middleton 1The Club was formed in 1933. The course was originally a 9 hole layout and the club house was the old Middleton Lodge. The second nine holes were added in 1979 and there is a distinct difference between the old 9 holes and the new 9 holes. Middleton Park Golf Course is now an 18 hole parkland course managed by the Leeds City Council; anyone can turn up and play but joining the Club offers a number of benefits

The Club has around 90 members these vary in age and ability from experienced single figure handicappers to new beginners to the game that are aiming to improve. There are competitions most weekends and on a Tuesday during the summer months. The Club prides itself on being a friendly club giving a warm welcome to new members and helping them get started in the game and hopefully helping them to improve.

Middleton Park Municipal Golfers Club is a member of English Golf, Yorkshire Golf, Leeds and District Association and The Federation of Municipal Golf Clubs of Leeds. These in turn provide competitions for members to enter and are a great way to socialise with other golfers from different Clubs.

For more information about membership go to the Club’s website:


One Reply to “Golf Club becomes most recent Friend of South Leeds Life”

  1. I really hope the golf course is saved because we seem to be losing more and more amenities all the time, and with an ever increasing population in the local area we need more facilities, not fewer!
    I’m hoping to return to playing myself this spring as my injury is a giving me less trouble now, and I’m more than happy to get involved with any campaign to save our golf course. It’s a long journey with golf clubs if our youngsters want to play anywhere else.

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