The Leeds Apprenticeship Hub is holding a series of seminars through October and November where you can find out what you need to know about opportunities directly from local employers.

The seminars enable parents and young people to hear directly from local employers about apprenticeships within their organisation or sector – covering how to apply, skills requirements and the opportunity for progression. The programme covers 9 seminars each focusing on a different sector of the local economy each week.
The Government is committed to creating 3 million apprenticeships by 2020, so more and more big businesses are offering apprenticeship programmes at all levels including degree level.
Different sectors of the local economy will be covered at nine evening events starting on Monday 8 October with manufacturing and running through via construction, retail and law to the uniformed services on 27 November.
Employers speaking at the events will include Asda, Eversheds, Waites and BT. You will also hear from apprentices who will talk about their journey and experience of gaining qualifications whilst earning a salary.
The seminars are open to parents carers and young people who want to learn more about apprenticeship opportunities. The events run at Leeds Beckett University from 6:30-8pm.
- Monday 8 October Manufacturing
- Tuesday 9 October Engineering
- Tuesday 16 October Construction
- Tuesday 23 October Finance and Accountancy
- Tuesday 30 October Retail, Hospitality and Customer Services
- Tuesday 6 November IT, Digital and Media
- Tuesday 13 November Law
- Tuesday 20 November Public Sector: Health, Local and Central Government
- Tuesday 27 November Uniformed Services
To book your place go to: tinyurl.com/y9lcqvx8