Beeston’s Basement Arts Project opens its doors again this weekend for a show by Dominic Hopkinson that explores the link between art and science.
Basement Arts Project, possibly the smallest gallery in Leeds, takes place in the cellar of Bruce and Debs Davies’ terraced house in Beeston. For details on how to find BasementArtsProject please e-mail Bruce at
A Harmony Of Spheres
‘Without mathematics there is no art.’ Luca Pacioli (1445 – 1517)
The work of Dominic Hopkinson takes as its basis the connection between science and art.
In art and music, the Golden Section is understood as a tool in achieving a measure of the beauty and design found in nature. Hopkinson’s work looks at the geometry of abstract forms to highlight how these forms are produced in three-dimensional space.
“Although my work is abstract, it is recognisable and readable to a non-scientific audience because of the power of the underlying mathematics.” says Dominic Hopkinson. “We ourselves are defined, designed using the very same maths, maybe, therefore we can but recognise the process in the abstract.”
Dominic will be giving a talk at 3pm on Sunday 26 April entitled ‘A circular tour of the irrational’ linked to the exhibition.
The show previews on Friday 17 April from 7:30-9:30pm and is then open as follows:
Saturday 18 April: 2pm – 4pm
Sunday 19 April: 2pm – 4pm
Saturday 25 April: 2pm – 4pm
Sunday 26 April: 2pm – 4pm