Week of Events
Parents and Tots group
Coffee and Connect
Coffee and Connect
A group for parents looking to meet other parents, looking for support into volunteering or employment and training. Every Tuesday during term-time (starting 6th Nov) St Matthews, 9:30–10:30am for Coffee and Connect. This group is funded via our Better Together Partnership
Holbeck Together Coffee Shop
Bingo and Hoy
Digital 121 drop in
Holbeck Together Charity Shop
Lunch Club
Lunchtime meditation
Baking Together
Baking Together
Make new friends and learn new recipes with Jo. You will just need basic ingredients and the odd extra ... flour, butter, baking powder, eggs. We can provide equipment should you need it. The sessions happen online via Zoom To book call 07305 167629 or email amy.hallam@healthforall.org.uk
Junior Youth Club
Junior Youth Club
Every Monday and Wednesday at 4:30-7pm for girls and boys aged 8-12 years. Entry is only 50p and we offer a wide range of games, activities and entertainment. For further details visit : www.hunsletclub.org.uk/our-activities/leeds-youth-club
Open Access Youth Club
Open Access Youth Club
For young people aged 13 and over. Lots of fun and we have a fantastic range of activities and events that we know you will love. Why not give it a try! The activities on offer help young people to learn new skills and build confidence and resilience for the
Meditation for beginners
Boxercise Wellness Activity
Chair Based Exercise Wellness Activity
Holbeck Together Coffee Shop
Holbeck Together Charity Shop
Lunchtime meditation
The Support Hub
The Support Hub
If you are feeling low / anxious / stressed / lonely (or all of the above!) and are looking for somewhere to go for a chat, or for support, where you won't feel judged or belittled; we have just the place for you. Come along to our fab little group
Middleton elderly Aid Walking Group
Movie Afternoon
Line Dancing
Women’s ‘Make and Do’ Group
Outdoor Yoga
Outdoor Yoga
One hour sessions of socially distanced, vinyasa style yoga. All abilities with some basis level of fitness, bring your own yoga mat. Top end of Cross Flatts Park between the bowling greens and Beeston Road.
Open Access Youth Club
Open Access Youth Club
For young people aged 13 and over. Lots of fun and we have a fantastic range of activities and events that we know you will love. Why not give it a try! The activities on offer help young people to learn new skills and build confidence and resilience for the
Discovering Buddhism: Karma
South Leeds Lakers Running Club
South Leeds Lakers Running Club
Book onto a range of runs led by trained run leaders at: groups.runtogether.co.uk/SouthLeedsLakers/Runs New members welcome, all abilities welcome, no one left behind
Neighbourhood Policing Team drop in
Holbeck Together Coffee morning
Hunslet Litter Pick
Holbeck Together Charity Shop
Community Cafe
Community Cafe
On offer we have toasties, pizza and soup and coming to the cafe is a great way to meet the team, the friends of Cranmore and also find out about what else we have on. Food is free of charge but we welcome donations where possible.
Lunchtime meditation
Singing For Breathing
Dassi peer support group
Craft Afternoon
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Treat yourself and escape the stresses of the mind through movement for no fee. To book call Amy on (0113) 277 2352 or email amy.hallam@healthforall.org.uk
Junior Youth Club
Junior Youth Club
Every Monday and Wednesday at 4:30-7pm for girls and boys aged 8-12 years. Entry is only 50p and we offer a wide range of games, activities and entertainment. For further details visit : www.hunsletclub.org.uk/our-activities/leeds-youth-club
Bat & Chat Table Tennis
Open Access Youth Club
Open Access Youth Club
For young people aged 13 and over. Lots of fun and we have a fantastic range of activities and events that we know you will love. Why not give it a try! The activities on offer help young people to learn new skills and build confidence and resilience for the
Holbeck Moor FC football training
Holbeck Moor FC football training
Open to men and women of all ages and abilities, come along and join in. Find out more: southleedslife.com/slung-low-launches-inclusive-football-club
Hunslet Tenants & Residents Meeting
Hunslet Tenants & Residents Meeting
This meeting is on Zoom. Please use these details to join: Topic: Hunslet TARA community update Time: Jun 2, 2021 06:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3207425223?pwd=bU42Y2REWG1hUCtvRE5iall3eUQ3Zz09 Meeting ID: 320 742 5223 Passcode: 556563
Dru Yoga
Holbeck Together Coffee Shop
Holbeck Together Charity Shop
Line dancing
Lunchtime meditation
Digital 121 drop in
Be Friends Group
Table Tennis afternoon
Middleton elderly Aid Walking Group
Women’s Chill & Chat
Open Access Youth Club
Open Access Youth Club
For young people aged 13 and over. Lots of fun and we have a fantastic range of activities and events that we know you will love. Why not give it a try! The activities on offer help young people to learn new skills and build confidence and resilience for the
Hatha yoga for all levels at St Marys and Beeston Parish Centre. People can contact me through my Facebook page or on 07512 393228
Charity Shop
Stay & Play St Anthony’s
Dance On
Holbeck Together Coffee Shop
Breathe Easy Class
Lunchtime meditation
Prize Bingo
Chair based exercise class
Open Access Youth Club
Open Access Youth Club
For young people aged 13 and over. Lots of fun and we have a fantastic range of activities and events that we know you will love. Why not give it a try! The activities on offer help young people to learn new skills and build confidence and resilience for the
Middleton Youth Club
DAZL Rebel Crew Urban Cheer (3-5 yrs)
Cross Flatts parkrun
Cross Flatts parkrun
Cross Flatts parkrun is a free, weekly, timed, 5km walk, jog or run in Cross Flatts Park. Meet at the top of the park (Beeston Road end), near the Watsonian Pavilion. Before your first visit make sure you register for your free barcode at: www.parkrun.org.uk/register
Middleton Woods parkrun
Middleton Woods parkrun
Middleton Woods parkrun is a free, weekly, timed, 5km walk, jog or run in Middleton Park. Meet at Leeds Urban Bike Park. Before your first visit make sure you register for your free barcode at: www.parkrun.org.uk/register
DAZL Rebel Crew Urban Cheer (6-11 yrs)
Holbeck and Beeston Cemetery volunteers
Holbeck and Beeston Cemetery volunteers
The Holbeck and Beeston Cemetery volunteers meet at 10am at the centre of Holbeck Cemetery usually, on the first Saturday of every month. Please book due to Covid: heather.wagstaff@leeds.gov.uk or 07562 439631. Anyone can attend but children under 16 have to bring an adult. Under 18s need a consent form
Outdoor Yoga
Outdoor Yoga
One hour sessions of socially distanced, vinyasa style yoga. All abilities with some basis level of fitness, bring your own yoga mat. Top end of Cross Flatts Park between the bowling greens and Beeston Road.
Women’s Walking Group
Women’s Walking Group
Women in South Leeds are also welcome to join Arlie’s Women’s Walking Group on Saturday mornings from 11am – a relaxing, sociable group where you can breathe deep, stretch your legs and explore Leeds’ local green spaces. Please contact Arlie on 07435 914350 or arlieh@touchstonesupport.org.uk to register.
DAZL Rebel Crew Urban Cheer (12+ yrs)
Board Games Night
Board Games Night
It's the first Saturday of the month this week which means only one thing: BOARD GAMES AT THE HOLBECK with Cards Or Die Board Gaming Come down from 7:30pm. Solo or with pals. Rock up and Pay What You Decide.
Cross Flatts Junior parkrun
Cross Flatts Junior parkrun
Cross Flatts Junior parkrun is a free, weekly, timed, 2km walk, jog or run for children aged 4-14 in Cross Flatts Park. Meet at the top of the park (Beeston Road end), near the Watsonian Pavilion. Before your first visit make sure you register for your free barcode at: www.parkrun.org.uk/register
Knitting Group
Hunslet Litter Pick
Men’s Corner
Men’s Corner
Men’s Corner is for men of any age who have lost a baby of any gestation, a child, a young adult or a adult child. You may be a daddy, grandfather, brother, uncle or a family friend First Sunday of the month 12-2pm
Stretching and toning class with Julie
Stretching and toning class with Julie
To book please contact Julie on 07783 786776 or keepfitjulie@yahoo.co.uk