Digital Angels.
Ken says:
Met up with Morag this morning at BITMO’s Gate to see around 30 people coming along to get advice to how get online on tablets, computers and mobile phones.
I won’t go into detail myself as plenty of info below.
Will say I have put my name forward to be an Angel, where I go to group sessions and into over 50s people’s houses and show them how to get onto the internet. I have to go on an induction course and DBS checked. Although I’m DBS checked have to get this done again, no problem.
Helping isolated older people in south Leeds to get online.
Digital Angels is a digital inclusion project for the over 50s delivered by Age UK Leeds, funded through Time to Shine.
Isolated older people in South Leeds can be supported in their own homes by volunteers to get online, develop digital skills and networks, and feel more connected to their communities. This is a person centred service, so we find out what the client might want to achieve and support them to do so.
We will work with people over 50 who are isolated through ill health, bereavement, caring, live alone, or in sheltered accommodation and nursing homes.
Older people can either use their own IT equipment, or we can loan it whilst they participate. This includes support to use tablets, laptops, and mobile /smart phones. We can also provide short term MiFi.
We are looking for people over 50 who might benefit from using technology to make new friends, connect with others, use technology to improve their health, or find out more about their local community. We will provide opportunities for those who would like to meet with others face to face by hosing techy tea parties and similar.
If you work with older people who you think might like to be involved with this service please get in touch.
We are also looking for volunteers, including older people, who would like to visit people in their homes, to help at events, or develop resources.
Isolated older people in South Leeds can be supported in their own homes by volunteers to get online, develop digital skills and networks, and feel more connected to their communities. This is a person centred service, so we find out what the client might want to achieve and support them to do so.
What we offer:
We will work with people over 50 who are isolated through ill health, bereavement, caring, live alone, or in sheltered accommodation and nursing homes.
- Weekly visits from a volunteer to the older person’s house
- Older people can either use their own IT equipment, or we can loan it whilst they participate.
- This includes support to use tablets, laptops, and mobile /smart phones.
- We can also provide short term MiFi.
We are looking for people over 50 who might benefit from using technology to make new friends, connect with others, use technology to improve their health, or find out more about their local community. We will provide opportunities for those who would like to meet with others face to face by hosting techy tea parties and similar.
What happens next:
If you know older people who you think might like to be involved with this service please get in touch.
We are also looking for volunteers, particularly older people and female volunteers, who would like to visit people in their homes, to help at events, or develop resources.
Contact Alexandra and Morag at Age UK Leeds; Tel: (0113) 389 3000; or email: digital.angels@ageukleeds.org.uk