DePuy Synthes has an active CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs which continually seeks ways to engage with the local community in which we are privileged to exist alongside.
The allotment project came about after the company acquired a plot at Old Lane Allotments at the beginning of 2018.
Initially just a weekly employee gardening club was run, however the project progressed and is now run in collaboration with pupils from the neighboring Hugh Gaitskell Primary School.
The pupils have their own growing areas in the form of raised beds, so they can learn to grow their own produce from seed. The pupils also help growing on the rest of the allotment along with general plot maintenance including watering and weeding. The key aim of involving the school is to allow children to understand how fresh produce is grown with a chance to get close to nature.
In its first year the project was a great success with a harvest that included pumpkins, marrows, leeks, potatoes and tomatoes. All food grown by the project is donated to the Holbeck Foodbank.

The allotment volunteers recently ran a team building event with 25 colleagues from DePuy Synthes. Over a 5-hour period they transformed the plot. Activities included installing a pathway, building a fruit cage, revitalising the greenhouse, building a dry-stone wall and general watering and weeding. The team was also able to assist fellow allotment owners by clearing their lot from weeds to help get them back on track.
The plan for the project is to create a mindfulness area for DePuy employees. Giving the opportunity them to step away from the work environment to recharge and recuperate and ensure healthy mental health and wellbeing.

This post was written by Kerry Seymour
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