As local Councillors, we’d like to congratulate residents for coming together to form the Friends of the Aire group, which will cover a significant part of the River Aire in Hunslet and Riverside Ward from Leeds Dock to Knostrop Weir.
For a number of years there have been ad-hoc litter picks and environmental management work on this stretch of the Aire via commissioned third party organisations. But we know these weren’t always at the best times for residents as they happened during the working week.
Now there is a residents led group in place, they can create more resident focused activities to help improve the environment of the river. They will also be stronger voice for residents on this section of the Aire. This means the Council, the Canal and River Trust (CRT) and other landowners have a group who can voice the views of residents with more focus and thus have a greater impact on the agenda for this important part or our city. It will also give them access to funding the Council and CRT can’t bid for, allowing all of us to work together to bring in extra funding for community improvements in the area.
Cllr Paul Wray who chaired the first section on the meeting added:
“Congratulations to Sandra, Karen and Stephen who were elected as Chair, Secretary and Treasurer – I know Cllr Nash, Iqbal and myself look forward to working with them and the wider group to make this stretch of the Aire even more wonderful than it already is”
We would encourage everyone to join the Friends of the Aire Facebook Group here.
This post was written by Cllrs Paul Wray, Mohammed Iqbal and Elizabeth Nash (Hunslet & Riverside ward)
The Editor adds:
Two litter picking events are coming up in the next few weeks.
On Saturday 7 November there will be Canal & River Trust sponsored Waterborne River Cleanup (with canoe instruction) on from 10am – 4pm
Then on Thursday 12 November British Cycling are organising two Trash Free Trail rides between 1-3pm. Places are limited to five riders with each ride leader, so please book your place here.
Thank you Cllr Wray for your invaluable guidance on getting the organization started!
Fantastic that people are getting together to improve the area for everyone.