Community Committee agenda published

The agenda for next week’s Inner South Community Committee has just been published.

Agenda,Leeds City CouncilThe committee will be meeting on Wednesday 6 December 2017 at 5pm at the Civic Hall in the city centre. The committee is made up of our nine Councillors from Beeston & Holbeck, City & Hunslet and Middleton Park wards.

They directly oversee functions including street cleaning, community buildings and youth services. The committee also administers grants to local groups from its well-being budget.

Each meeting starts with an Open Forum. This is your chance to raise any issue of concern with your Councillors. You can ask a question or put your point of view.

Light refreshments will be provided, please use the Portland Crescent entrance to the Civic Hall.



The following items are included in the agenda:

  1. Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents
  2. Exempt Information – Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
  3. Late Items
  4. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests
  5. Apologies for Absence
  6. Minutes – 6 September 2017
  7. Open Forum
  8. Leeds Health and Care Plan: Inspiring Change through Better Conversations with Citizens
  9. Leeds Transport Conversation update – Inner South Transport Update
  10. Inner South Community Committee Delegated Budget
  11. Inner South Community Committee Update Report
  12. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

You read the full report pack online here: