Cockburn School (Specialist Status in Performing Arts) offers unique opportunities in the Performing Arts for 2018 admissions
Cockburn School are encouraging children with creative talents to make it their number one choice as they apply for secondary school places.

Cockburn School are delivering a new specialist programme for pupils who display a talent within the Performing Arts. The training supports a vast and varied curriculum with over 7 hours of additional coaching in Drama, Dance and Music. Pupils who are in search of a secondary school for September 2018 are invited to audition for this exciting new programme, essential for those eager to pursue a career in the Arts.
Auditions take place on Saturday 11 November 2017, 9:00am-12:00pm.
Dance teacher Rachael Dutton, who leads on the programme explained how the audition process works:
“The audition process depends on the young person’s area of specialism. For Drama they will take part in a creative workshop learning new skills and devising a performance piece.
“Within the Dance specialism audition they will learn new professional repertoire and our award winning Rock Challenge performance piece. If they have a talent in Music they will have the opportunity to prepare a performance on their chosen instrument or demonstrate vocal ability.
“The audition day is a lot of fun and it is great to see how much talent and enthusiasm the kids in South Leeds have for the arts.”
Cockburn School has been a leader in the Performing Arts for many years with stunning performances of late including Billy Elliott, their annual production in December 2016 which amazed audiences. This was followed by a host of performances in the state of the art Cockburn School theatre as well as a host of regional and national venues including the Leeds Arena and Manchester Velodrome. We have featured many of these events in South Leeds Life.
One new member of staff at Cockburn stated that she has “never seen such a close, friendly and dedicated group of staff and students. They work for many hours in rehearsal to make performances happen and are a credit to the school. I can’t wait to get started!”
Cockburn School is celebrating outstanding exam results in their Arts qualifications this year with Dance and Drama results way above national averages.
The school continues to be recognised by the Department for Education as one of the most successful schools nationally for pupil progress from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 across all subjects including English and Maths.
The additional performance opportunities and events have grown year on year. There are over 8 specialist performing arts companies who perform at local, regional and national events on a regular basis. These are supported by the performing arts staff and a large creative team responsible for costume and set design which includes parents/carers and members of the local community.
The Performing Arts team develop well rounded, confident and skilled performers in all areas of the arts. Past pupils have gone on to success in full time education at Post 16 and university and are now in professional companies including the world renowned Rambert Contemporary Dance Company.
This year, former student John-William Watson reached the grand final of the BBC Yound Dancer of the Year award. One ex-pupil said “The facilities in the Performing Arts at Cockburn are amazing! We were taught to work as professionals”.
If you would like to be part of this specialist secondary education then please visit the Cockburn School website www.cockburnschool.org for more information.
Any further questions or completed application forms can be sent to info@cockburnschool.org or delivered to Cockburn at Cockburn School, Parkside, Gipsy Lane, Leeds LS11 5TT.
Cockburn School is holding an Open Evening for all Year 6 students considering applying on Thursday 28 September 2017, 6-8pm.