This Saturday (1 December 2018) there is the annual Holbeck Christmas Market run by the Holbeck Gala Committee.
It’s from 11am–3pm at St Matthew’s Community Centre and it’s always a great event for the whole family. There will be lots of stalls selling crafts and good little Christmas presents, a café with home made soup, hot dogs, tea, coffee and cake and Santa’s Grotto for the kids. Make sure you pop down to support this fab event!
On Sunday (2 December) it’s the Holbeck Carol Services and Holbeck Christmas Lights switch on. This year you have a choice of two carols services to come along to both organised by Mosaic Church Holbeck. At 4pm we have the Family Carol Service at St Matthews Community Centre with games, songs and a kids party tea. After that come outside and join us for the Holbeck Lights Switch On (5:30pm) organised by the local councillors.
Straight after the lights switch on we have the second carol service Carols by Candlelight (5:45pm) Sing your favourite carols, listen to a short message and then share a free meal together afterwards.
Everyone is welcome! We’d love to see lots of people there sharing joy, hope and community spirit together this Christmas time; these events are a great start!
This post was written by Kate Alty.