The Canal & River Trust, the waterways and wellbeing charity that looks after 2,000 miles of the nation’s waterways, has launched an online campaign appealing for people riding bikes on towpaths to take it easy and slow down.
A short (1½ minute) video and animation reminds all those visiting the nation’s canals to Stay Kind, Slow Down. The campaign will target social media posts at cyclists living in urban and busy areas along the canal network.
Dick Vincent, from the Canal & River Trust, comments:
“We know that the canals played a really important role this spring and summer during lockdown, particularly in urban areas where many people don’t have back gardens, as people stayed local and discovered these amazing wildlife corridors on their doorstep.
“We want people to visit, including cyclists, but ask them to be considerate to pedestrians, boaters, families and others using the towpath. Unfortunately, whilst most people are kind and courteous, we too often hear of people cycling too fast.
“Those on foot have priority on our towpaths and, quite simply, those on bikes who need or want to travel quickly should use a route away from the canal if they prefer not to take it slow and steady.”
The Trust has also launched a trial in a busy area for cyclists along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. In addition to the general message to cyclists to Stay Kind, Slow Down, this will look at how different interventions, such as signage, floor markings and speed inhibitors, can help to change behaviour.
Dick continues:
“We welcome cycling on canal towpaths. They remain one of the safest traffic-free places to travel but they can be narrow and popular with others on foot, so it is not a place to travel quickly. We are urging people to ‘Stay Kind Slow Down’. We want people to cycle safely so they cause no harm to themselves or others. Pedestrians and those accessing the water have priority so if you’re in a hurry, then a route away from the towpath will be more appropriate.”
In addition to providing green/blue linear spaces where people can unwind outdoors, on their doorstep, towpaths are ideally located to provide traffic-free routes for considerate cyclists in and through many of the country’s towns and cities.
This post is based on a press release issued by Canal & River Trust
This won’t make a blind bit of difference. Too many cyclists think it’s their god-given right to cycle as though walkers didn’t exist, and can’t be bothered even to ring a bell or shout a warning. I used to enjoy walking on canal towpaths but aggressive, dangerous cyclists have put a stop to that. Part of the problem is the assumption of planners that a cyclist is just another form of pedestrian when they’re another form of vehicle that shouldn’t be sharing space with vulnerable people on foot.
I agree just about completely Graham. It would have made obvious sense to build cycle lanes wherever possible. In the meantime we have millions of pounds spent on idiotic cycle lanes in highly urban areas where you never ever see cyclists.