Monday 10 October marked World Mental Health Day… and you might be sat thinking ‘I don’t have mental health’, well the big news is… we all have mental health!…
Mental health is our sense of well-being… are we stressed, happy, feeling anxious, content, worried, and are these feeling manageable. It’s OK to talk about your mental health.
We’ve found this great online resource; its five steps to mental well-being.
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Balloon Release, to mark World Mental Health Day.
Well done Thomas, your balloon was the first to be found in the New Forest Village about 15 minutes after we’d sent them into the sky!
Ken says:
Many of you know I suffer from Mental Health problems. Although quite long please read my story of my Mental Health below. This story first appeared on the South Leeds Life blog over two years ago and in the South Leeds Life Newspaper.
I still have a copy. I also ran the story on South Leeds Community Radio. When I finished recording came out of the studio to see three people crying, oh dear.
Thing’s have moved on in two years. I still have mental health problems, but have a massive circle of friends that support me.
Thanks to Peter Smith, Amanda Binns, Julie and Chris Holmes, Chris Simpson, Lynne and Carla from BITMO’sGATE and Jeremy of South Leeds Life.
Plus many many more friends, too many to mention. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, each and every one of you.