Belle Isle Senior Action

Belle Isle Elderly Winter Aid (BIEWA) is changing its name to make sure it can reach more people in the community.

“People who have just retired don’t think of themselves as elderly” explained manager Sonny Garewal “60 is the new 40!”

The name change, which will be ratified at the organisation’s annual meeting on 18 September, was launched at inter-generational family fun day at Belle Isle Club on 21 August.

The organisation, formed in 1985, was the first of the ‘Neighbourhood Networks’ in Leeds. It provides a range of services practical things like handyperson, gardening and shopping to advice and information about health and other issues.

I spoke to Rosalyn, Eileen, David and Terry, they told me they approved of the name change. “Very good, I think its better, but we need to advertise ourselves better too.”

They said they really enjoy the trips and have been on several holidays. They go to see shows at the theatre and are particularly proud of the Friday gardening club.

Do they value BIEWA? “Oh yes. We go mad when it’s shut!”

Board member Cllr Kim Groves said:

“Today is very much about where we’re going as an organisation. Today is about bringing the community together and it’s great to see so many young people here. We want to reach out to the whole community. There are still people and families out there struggling and we’ve got the services to help them”

Belle Isle Senior Action will continue to operate from Centre 59 at 59 Belle Isle Circus. For more information call (0113) 270 9426.