Junior ‘parkrun’ – a new weekly running event for kids and young people – launched in style last Sunday (13 November 2016) in Beeston’s Cross Flatts Park. A mighty 57 youngsters took part in an event that organisers described as ‘amazing’ and ‘magical’.

The free 2km event will now take place every Sunday throughout the year, at 9am, at the top end of the park (just off Beeston Road). It’s open to anyone aged 4 to 14, of any ability: participants can sprint, run, jog, or walk. (To give newcomers an indication, participants completed the course last Sunday in times ranging from 7 minutes to 22 minutes.) But all attendees are urged to register online beforehand, to then get their official time each week: click here.
Adults are welcome to run with the youngsters, but the kids can run unaccompanied too: the event is closely marshalled, to ensure safety. (Under 11s do need an accompanying adult on site though.)
Jeni Sword-Williams, one of the organisers, commented:
“It was an amazing first event, magical, such a pleasure to be part of: so many local children, many of them doing their first ever run, enjoying the park and enjoying sport. I thought the all-age parkrun was great, but seeing it in action for kids was a hundred times better!”
The coordinators are also making a special call-out for volunteers to help marshall the events, any Sunday, to ensure the safety of the young participants. To find out more, get in touch via the links below.
The event is one of 130+ junior parkruns throughout the UK and beyond, and part of the international parkrun movement which features 850+ runs in 14 countries. For full info on the Junior Cross Flatts parkrun, click here. The event is an off-shoot from the all-age, 5km Cross Flatts parkrun, running every Saturday at 9am since 2013: click here, or here for Facebook.