An invitation to discuss the Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan

Dennis Kitchen has been in touch from the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum.

Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan logoI am writing to invite you to the next meeting of the Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum will be held on Saturday 23rd February at St. Mattthews Community Centre. Please arrive at 10.45 a.m. for light refreshments in good time for the meeting to start at 11.00 a.m. St. Matthews is open to all and is at the junction of Holbeck Moor Road and St. Matthews Street.

The first part of the meeting will be your chance to discuss the various themes that are going to be covered by the Neighbourhood Plan and say what your priorities are. Following a light lunch (soup and a roll), the formal part of the meeting will be held, this includes updating you about the progress we are making in developing the Forum and current developments in the area.

I also enclose a copy of the minutes of the meeting we held in December and I hope you will take the time to read them. Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum Meeting minutes 10th Dec 2012

The Holbeck Neighhourhood Plan provides a great opportunity for all those who live, work or do business in Holbeck to help shape the area and I hope you will get involved.  Please encourage your friends and neighbours to come to the Forum.

I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Saturday 23rd February.

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