Academy described as failing 18 months ago is removed from Ofsted’s serious weaknesses category.
The South Leeds Academy, once described by the government as failing to provide an adequate education for its students, is celebrating after being removed from the serious weaknesses category following a visit by Ofsted inspectors in November. They also described the quality of sixth form provision as good.
The inspectors spent two days at the Academy, observing over 40 lessons and speaking with students, staff and Governors.
Standards were found to be improving in all areas, with a number of aspects of Academy life described as good, a cohesive atmosphere evident and behaviour in the academy significantly improved.
Leadership at the Academy was described as taking ‘effective steps to improve teaching’ and the academy’s work to keep students safe and secure as good. The Governing body were singled out for being effective and contributing to the improvement in student experiences in classrooms and in achievement outcomes.
The Academy sixth form, where almost 70% of students go on to study at University, was praised. Inspectors reported that:
“The quality of teaching has improved and is now good. Expectations of what students can achieve are high. They are challenged to achieve their best. This is reflected in students’ positive attitudes to learning and good behaviour.”
The inspectors outlined a number of areas in which the school could improve to reach the next level of ‘good’. This included developing the questioning skills of staff and focusing on Literacy levels.
Newly appointed Principal Marc Doyle said: “I am very proud of the inspection report and the progress that the Academy has made in securing a momentous judgement in our continuing ‘ladder of improvement’’
“The staff, students and governors of TSLA are very happy with the outcome of the inspection, which is a culmination of a tremendous amount of hard work and effort , but we will not stop until we secure an outstanding judgement for everyone associated with the Academy.”
The full report can be downloaded from the Ofsted website:
Fantastic news – onwards and upwards!