Future of South Leeds Life


South Leeds Life Group May13There’s a chance for you to influence how South Leeds Life develops if you attend the next Group meeting on Wednesday (24th July 2013) at 10.00am at South Leeds Community Radio, .

South Leeds Life has reached an exciting stage of its development and is keen to involve more people in its twin aims of being the first place people look for news of what’s going on in Leeds 10 & 11 and encouraging more people to get involved in their local neighbourhoods.

It would be great to see you at the meeting on Wednesday.  We promise you won’t be made to volunteer for anything – that’s a bit of a contradiction in terms!  If you just want to listen to what’s going on or contribute to the discussion that’s fine.

Hope to see you there.

South Leeds Community Radio is based at 6A Ashbrooke Park, Parkside Lane, Beeston, LS11 5SF. This on the industrial estate opposite the Fire Station on Dewsbury Road. Download the directions here: Directions to SLCR