Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across Facebook and Twitter.
We start this week with a team of young people who took up The Challenge and came to Cross Flatts Park last Saturday to help Beeston In Bloom by clearing overgrown shrubbery and painting footprints on the steps in the under 5s playground. The young people were taking part in the National Citizenship Scheme and worked hard all day despite the cold. Well done to everyone involved.
Beeston blogger Mike Wallis who has been to the Though Bubble comics convention, again. He reviews the event and his purchases on his Backwards Lion blog.
Meanwhile the latest phase of The Helen Project seems to be tidying and the satisfaction of handing over carrier bags full of stuff to the charity shop that comes with it. Helen’s blog is called Hello From Me To You.
Our own Lucy Potter is writing on her Lucylines blog about her plans to bring the Baby Week event from Brazil to Leeds.
There’s a pop up Hub every Wednesday in the Recreations in Holbeck. Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum reports on its increasing success and link to a film made by MADE in Leeds, the community TV channel.
Progress on the Beeston Plan will be discussed at on Tuesday (1 December) at the Beeston Neighbourhood Forum which meets at the Beeston village Community Centre at 7:30pm.
“Prominent figures in the City of Leeds” are promised at Beeston Community Forum’s December meeting next Thursday. It’s also their AGM, so if you want to join the committee, now’s your chance.
Caldon Bravo, of Hunslet Warriors, has been named Vice Captain in the English Lions team that will face Wales Dragonhearts on Saturday. This is the highest representative honour in community rugby league. Congratulations Caldon.
It’s the Chistmas Cracker Fair at Beeston Parish Centre on Saturday (28 November) running from 10am-2pm with seasonal stalls, handicrafts and a chocolate tombola. They are also selling tickets for their family friendly New Year’s Eve party.
Also on Saturday, Cross Flatts Recreation Club on Barkly Terrace is holding its own Christmas Fayre between 2-4pm.
It’s dead busy down at Leeds’ smallest arts venue, the Basement Arts Project in Beeston. You’ve just missed one show, but a new one starts on Sunday (29 November). MantlePiece looks at marble from a new angle.
And finally, the good residents of H2010 in Hunslet are holding a Christmas Tree competition again this year. What a great way to build community spirit!