A new scheme to tackle congestion on a key commuter route in south Leeds is now complete.
The £3m Leeds City Council scheme on the A653, Dewsbury Road/Beeston Ring Road junction is aimed at reducing congestion, improving the journey times and reliability of bus services and improving safety with additional facilities for pedestrians and cyclist.
The scheme, which was a year in construction, has involved widening the Beeston Ring Road approach to the busy junction, optimising the signal timings to reduce congestion on A653, Dewsbury Road, building a bus priority lane on Beeston Ring Road and a pedestrian crossing at the Gypsy Lane junction for children from Cockburn High School. A 1.2km shared footway / cycle way has also been built to further improve the access to the high school from neighbouring communities.
Assistant headteacher Angus Smith told the YEP: “We have a thousand children walking to and from school every day and before there was an official crossing things were more risky.
“Obviously anything that improves their safety is a good thing.”
Councillor Richard Lewis, Leeds City Council executive member responsible for city development, said:
“This is an important scheme aimed at tackling congestion and improving public transport on a major commuter route. It has also provided safe routes to school for schoolchildren and I am delighted that the scheme is now complete and in use.”