Diary of a Radio Producer student


I’ve just finished my fourth week at South Leeds Community Radio station where I’m learning (with others) how to broadcast live programmes (or as live) on the radio station.

ken in recoding studio.Over the last few weeks, we’ve been learning how to use the broadcasting deck. This contains faders, volume controls, links to microphones, and CD decks among the many other controls.

Basically if you’re broadcasting music, you have know how to fade out of music, switch to microphone tell the listeners what they have just been listening to. Maybe play a jingle. You could be playing music from computer, memory stick or CD. These have all to brought into play to record a programme.

The techniques I’ve been learning range from interviewing people to broadcasting documentaries and producing live one hour music shows. There’s two more course sessions to go before Christmas. There are four people on this course. The other three are learning quicker than me, but I’m sure I will catch up.

My goal is to broadcast a documentary on Depression. The script is already written out, when I have the confidence; this will be broadcast and I will let you know when that will be at a later date.

Finally today built up an hourly programme, which has gone on to hard disk. The programme will be played back to us next session to see how we did.