Month: January 2024

Beeston residents to discuss Tempest Road junction changes

A meeting next Monday (29 January 2024) will debate changes being planned to make the junction of Tempest Road and Dewsbury Road safer. At the last public meeting of Beeston Hill Community Association in November we became aware of significant changes that are being planned for the Tempest Road/Dewsbury Road

Beeston and Holbeck residents call for a ceasefire in Gaza

A group of 20 Beeston and Holbeck residents, activists and trades unionists met at Cross Flatts Park on Saturday (20 January 2024) and walked together into central Leeds to join the Leeds March for Palestine organised by Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Carrying a ‘Beeston for Palestine’ banner and ‘Freedom for

Planning starts for Beeston Festival 2024

Beeston Festival held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 11 January, reflecting on another successful event in 2023 and looking ahead to 2024. The Annual Report, which is now available to read and download on the festival website at, details how the organising committee plan their work and reflected

Welcome work to improve out of hours bereavement services in Leeds

Councillors on the Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles Scrutiny Board received an update this week on out of hours bereavement arrangements in Leeds following an in-depth service review to improve the experience of bereaved families. South Leeds councillors Mohammed Iqbal, who has been engaged in this work for some time,