Month: September 2023

Bloomin’ ‘eck it’s Gold for Beeston and Middleton Railway

The results are in from this year’s Yorkshire in Bloom awards showing that both Middleton Railway and Beeston in Bloom have won Gold, with Beeston also winning joint best in category. Beeston was competing in the Urban Community and won jointly with Starbeck (near Harrogate). In their comments the Judges

White Rose introduces stoma-friendly facilities

White Rose Shopping Centre has introduced stoma-friendly upgrades to their toilets, providing a safe, clean, and helpful space for bags to be changed and making the centre more accessible to those with additional needs. The improvements were made following feedback from White Rose regular Lyn Morgan, who campaigns to improve

West Yorkshire Mayor meets residents in Belle Isle

West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin attended a public meeting in Belle Isle on Monday (25 September 2023) answering residents’ questions about crime, anti-social behaviour and transport issues. About 25 people attended the meeting, organised by Cllr Sharon Burke (Labour, Middleton Park) at St John & St Barnabas church’s Welcome Centre