Hannah Simpson is organising another Zumbathon in Middleton and this year they will be raising money for local boy Linus Harrison.
Linus suffers from autism and his family are raising funds to buy him a safe bed. A safe bed would provide a space in which he can sleep, move, roll or play freely, reducing the risk of injury by eliminating hard surfaces.
This year’s Zumbathon will be held on Sunday 8 May 2016 at the Parochial Hall in Middleton. Doors will be open from 9am with the event starting at 10am. The Zumbathon will run for two hours nonstop.
The dress code for the day is the crazier the better and the colour theme is green and/or blue.
If people want to get involved without getting sponsored they can pay £5 on the door. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.
If anyone would like more information they could contact Hannah on 07875 194564.