Work previously approved by Leeds City Council’s Executive Board to improve bus stops on the Cottingley Hall estate are set to start this month according to a report published this week (2 February 2021).
The works are designed to encourage bus usage by improving the bus stops, pavements and road layout on the estate. Specifically they will:
- Provide dedicated bus stop lay-bys at 7 of the 12 bus stops on the Cottingley Hall estate, to address various issues within the estate, such as the poor and narrow alignment of the highway meaning general traffic cannot see past stationary buses, address the limited access in the centre of the estate, address areas where existing bus stops occupy valuable kerbside space which could be utilised for onstreet parking, as well as providing general betterment to public transport infrastructure throughout the estate;
- Widen footways to provide a better waiting environment for bus passengers, facilitate the introduction of bus shelters and improve accessibility to public transport provision;
- Provide an enhanced bus stop provision with shelters and real time information; and
- Provide a ‘Bus Only’ lane and a separate loadingbay on Cottingley Vale for the local shops in the centre of the estateto remove the conflict between delivery vehicles and buses.
The scheme will cost £647,000, and is wholly funded from West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Connecting Leeds programme.
Works are projected to be completed in June this year.
Photo: Google Streetview