Work continues on M621 junction improvements

Work is set to start on Tuesday (13 September 2022) to clear vegetation from the roundabout at Junction 2 of the M621 (Elland Road / Ingram Distributor A643).

This is part of the preparatory work before the main works, which include adding an extra lane to the roundabout and a dedicated lane to take traffic from the eastbound M621 onto the Ingram Distributor towards the Armley Gyratory.

The works will be carried out overnight between 8pm and 6am and involve closing lanes. During the closure, there will be a fully signed diversion will be in place, and this has been agreed in advance with the police and Leeds City Council.

A spokesperson for National Highways commented:

“We are mindful that this may cause some disruption in the local area. We aim to finish any works that may create noise as early as possible.

“Please be assured that where we complete tree clearance, 3 trees will be replanted for every 1 tree that is cleared. While every effort will be made to keep replanted trees within the locality of the original, there may be instances where we need to find alternative places along the M621, or within the wider area, to give the trees the required space to become fully established. Where this is the case, we will work with Councillors and local residents to identify suitable locations.”

Works at Junction 2 are due to be competed by Autumn 2023, with all works between Junction 1-7 completed by Summer 2024. You can find out more about the works planned for the M621 here. This video shows a fly through of the changes:


One Reply to “Work continues on M621 junction improvements”

  1. When will the 3 for 1 tree planting be updated as everybody now knows it takes many more than three for an established tree.

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