Despite the cold dark days of winter when everything slows down and becomes quiet, 17 women joined an event hosted by the Asha Neighbourhood Project and Health For All, members of the Better Together Partnership, as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and to celebrate Human Rights Day. The event took place in Cross Flatts Park on Friday 10 December 2021.
Tea and cakes were offered by the café workers at The Bridge Cafe. Attendees participated in a domestic abuse awareness quiz, helping to recognise signs of domestic abuse and information was given about organisations that work with people suffering domestic abuse.
Participants enjoyed taking part in art and craft activities including henna art. They discussed issues related to the quiz, human rights and how another lockdown or restrictions could impact on mental health.
One local resident commented:
“I have been feeling lonely and depressed. It was so lovely getting the opportunity to sit with women that I have seen walking but never approached. I have learned so much by just talking with each of them.”
If you or someone you need help or advice please contact:
Leeds Domestic Violence 24 hour Helpline on (0113) 246 0401
National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0800 2000 247
National Men’s Advice Line 0808 801 0327
This post was written by Tahena Ahmed
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