A hearing to decide an application from Winston’s Health and Leisure for an alcohol licence was adjourned this morning (14 February 2017).
Leeds City Council’s Licensing Sub Committee was due to hear the application, but the applicant, Dan Hall, asked for an adjournment as his barrister was unable to attend.
The Police did not oppose the request for an adjournment, but did request that the panel make a site visit to the premises on Dewsbury Road in order to see “how it is laid out and what kind of business it actually is.”
As previously reported, in their written submission to the committee West Yorkshire Police described Winston’s as a “brothel” and stated that in the “massage/treatment” rooms “there were a minimal amount of treatment tables present, the majority of furniture in the rooms being beds.”
The hearing will now take place on Tuesday 28 February and will be preceded by a site visit at 9am that morning.