What’s On Roundup 3-9 July 2021

Here’s a roundup of some the main events taking place over the coming week in South Leeds. For full listings go over to our What’s On calendar here.

After a year of cancelled events it’s great to see Holbeck Gala going ahead on Saturday. As usual it will take place on Holbeck Moor 12-4pm, but some things will be different this year. The site will be fenced to control numbers, you will need to check in for track and trace and there will be lots of hand sanitiser! Organisers had planned an evening concert, but this has been cancelled as the band had to pull out.

On a busy Saturday, the final Free Shop, reusing unwanted items from students leaving the city, takes place at the Watsonian Pavilion, 10am-12pm in Beeston’s Cross Flatts Park.

The Holbeck & Beeston Cemeteries Volunteers will be out on Saturday morning too. Meet at the centre of Holbeck Cemetery on Beeston Road at 10am to help keep the cemetery looking its best.

Yorkshire Dance host an event in Middleton Park on Saturday afternoon from 2pm. Join dancers Rosemary and Simon as part their Calling Tree project for a walk in the park interspersed with readings, memories and dance. The event is pay as you feel, but booking is essential at yorkshiredance.com/whats-on/event/calling-tree-walk-middleton-park

The Hunslet & Riverside Councillors are hosting two online Residents Meetings this week. On Monday at 6:30pm for people living in Beeston Hill. Go to bit.ly/BeestonHillJuly5. Then on Wednesday it the turn of Hunslet Green and Whitfields, also at 6:30pm bit.ly/HunsletGreenJuly7

The Inner South Community Committee, made up of the nine Councillors from our three wards will meet in person at St Matthew’s Community Centre on Wednesday afternoon. Amongst other things they will decide on grants to community groups.