West Yorkshire Police Are Planning a “Caring Community” Day

police carBoth Tea Cosy Memory Cafe and Dementia Friendly Rothwell, have gained quite a reputation over the past three years. A part of the reputation has included a close relationship with West Yorkshire Police, so much so that recently they became members of the Dementia Action Alliance, also announcing that dementia friendly stickers are now being placed on all police vehicles across West Yorkshire together with an extensive dementia app. on all officers’ smartphones.

West Yorkshire Police are planning a “caring community” day on September 13th. At Elland road police Station, Leeds LS11. The actual name for the event has yet to be decided, but it is hoped that any organisation/group/company/business involved in the community will be represented, especially those involving all aspects of health and well-being, and the emphasis will be around memory nostalgia.DSCF1212

The police themselves will be exhibiting old police vehicles, and officers will be wearing uniforms from the past. The park and ride opposite the police station is normally closed on Sundays, but will be open for public parking. The area around the station itself will be free to enable trade stands/exhibits/mobile showrooms etc.., and there will be various stands and offers, including the police themselves who will be selling home baked items.

Proceeds from the event will be shared between the Alzheimer’s Society and local groups.

If you are interested in attending the event then please simply reply to peter.smith011@btinternet,com. At this stage it is simply assessing who is interested and more details will be sent as soon as available.

DSCF1237Please could you forward this to any of your contacts you feel may be interested?


Regards, Peter Smith & Kenneth Ingram.