It was announced at the meeting of Holbeck Neighbourhood Forum on Monday evening that Unity Housing Assocaition are planning to build new housing on the site of previously demolished back to back houses on Brown Lane East, writes Stephen Williamson.

It is proposed to build 18 flats for rent and 23 houses, some of which will be for sale on a shared ownership basis and the rest to let at affordable rents.
Wayne Noteman, Unity’s Regeneration Director, said the housing was targeted at meeting local housing needs in the community and it was hoped that building work would start in the autumn of 2013 with the homes being completed by the autumn of 2014.
The flats would face Holbeck Moor and it was hoped that they would make a significant improvement to the appearance of the neighbourhood.
The housing will be built to high standards of energy efficiency – 40% more efficient than the current minimum standards required by Building Regulations.
Wayne referred to a similar scheme which Unity had recently completed at the Beverleys in Beeston where all the houses for sale had been sold before building work was completed. He stated that the scheme would be used to provide opportunities for local labour, especially apprenticeship.
Wayne welcomed local residents to join a time limited working group to make sure local views are taken on board as the scheme proposals are finalised and to ensure the scheme is of maximum benefit to the local community.
Wayne can be contacted at or on 200 7700.
The lorrys going down Brown Lane East are going to have with those plans…
I’m not sure I like this idea, I’ve gotten used to the green space where the Runswicks once stood, even with the roads going through it.
Still, more housing to meet the demand is always good.