The Future of South Leeds life


South Leeds Life Group 2South Leeds Life (SLL) is holding an important meeting to discuss its future next Tuesday (11th June 2013) at 10am at South Leeds Community Radio in Beeston and you are invited!

Since beginning in December 2010 SLL has built up its readership to the point where we had more than 21,000 page views in May 2013. We have become the first place where people look to see what’s going on in Leeds 10 and 11 with a wide variety and increasing number of stories.

On occasion we have been first to publish news stories (the threatened closure of Middleton Park Golf Course) and to cover stories in far more depth (progress of the Olympic Torch in south Leeds) than other media outlets.  We have led a campaign to promote investment in Stank Hall Barn.

We have held one highly successful Community Reporters’ course, a second is under way and more are planned so we can broaden the scope of what we cover by getting more people to contribute articles.

We have got to the point where we need to consider whether we can continue to run SLL on an entirely voluntary basis and the advantages and disadvantages of  doing this – it is this issue that next Tuesday’s meeting will discuss.  It looks like either we will need to scale back on what’s being done or pay for some of the work done for SLL which will involve us in obtaining more income.

If you would like to come to the meeting but need a lift please contact Steve Williamson on 0753 544 4993.

You can download directions to South Leeds Community Radio here: Directions to SLCR

If you can’t come to the meeting but would like to offer your views, please comment on this blog.

3 Replies to “The Future of South Leeds life”

  1. Can’t make it on Tuesday. Maybe Jeremy (on Wednesday) can bring the reporters course up to speed then?

  2. It looks like my plans have changed. I maybe able to make it after all. See you there.

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