Tag: social distancing

Leeds hospitals ask public to continue to follow Hands, Face, Space

Patients, staff and anyone working with Leeds Teaching Hospitals are being asked to continue wearing a mask on site and socially distance, even after ‘Freedom Day’ on Monday (19 July 2021). Whilst restrictions are being lifted in most public places, strict Infection Control needs to be followed in hospitals and

NHS call to stay alert to coronavirus this summer

This summer, the local NHS is reminding South Leeds residents to stay safe and look out for any symptoms of coronavirus. With lockdown restrictions easing and more people going on holiday, visiting tourist attractions, pubs and restaurants, it’s vital that everyone protects themselves and others by following government guidelines. Dr

BasementArtsProject: View From The Corner – Notes On A Pandemic 1

We are, as a rule, a social species and the idea of isolating oneself, or even a family group, away from the rest of society for an indefinite period of time is probably one of the cruelest requests that could be made of many people. Even the most anti-social behaviour is at it’s heart a social act; rarely do people set out to behave badly on their own, more often than not there is a pack instinct that draws people together based on shared values