Tag: Loan Shark

Suspected loan shark arrested in Middleton

A 45 year old man was arrested on suspicion of illegal money lending, following an operation in South Leeds this week. The England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) working in partnership with West Yorkshire Joint Services Trading Standards and West Yorkshire Police executed a warrant at an address in Middleton.

Bookmarked: Pupils help spread the “Stop Loan Sharks” message in Middleton

  This article by West Yorkshire Trading Standards first appeared on their blog. Students at Middleton Primary are helping the Illegal Money Lending Team and West Yorkshire Trading Standards “Bite Back” at the loan sharks in their community, by taking part in an innovative “design a mug” competition. Pupils in

South of the River – and deeper in debt?

  There is a conference taking place today in Leeds to look at what can be done about high cost lending. The figures are stark, if Leeds residents borrowed money at normal bank rates of interest, collectively we would save £60m. That’s £60m that can be spent on food, clothing