Suspects sought after Beeston bottling

Police are appealing for information to help identify four people they want to trace over a fight in Leeds where a man received serious injuries.

The incident happened in Ring Road, Beeston, next to the White Rose Shopping Centre, at about 10pm on Saturday 18 May 2024.

A 25-year-old man received lacerations to his head and neck after being struck with a bottle during an altercation with the two males. He was arrested on suspicion of affray in relation to the incident and has been released under investigation.

Anyone who recognises any of the people in the image or who has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact PC 4651 Emmott at Elland Road via 101 quoting crime reference 13240267890 or online at

Information can be given anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


This post is based on a press release issued by West Yorkshire Police


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