Stories from the South Leeds Life News Café at Middleton Elderly Aid

Stories from the South Leeds Life News Café at MIddleton Elderly Aid (MEA) every Wednesday From 9:30am.

A story from Megan, of Middleton Leeds, volunteering at Middleton Elderly Aid.

Megan says:

Megan at Middleton Elderly Aid with MEA Member Margret.

“I originally chose my placement at Middleton Elderly Aid because of my Grandad, Philip.

“In 2021 my Grandad, Philip, was bedbound, on palliative care, and the team at Middleton Elderly Aid brought a smile to his face through weekly phone calls to check up on him and daily meals, which he devoured, even when he felt at his lowest the team at Middleton Elderly Aid made him smile.

“When I told him about a placement, he told me to try to volunteer at MEA to help other people smile and I’m glad I did. Sadly my Grandad died in October 2021.

“I currently study Forensic Psychology at Leeds Trinity University. The course lasts for 4 years. As part of my course I choose to do a volunteering placement at Middleton Elderly Aid, and started my 13 week placement 4 weeks ago and have received nothing but warm welcomes from all staff and members.

Middleton Elderly Aid Centre

“I volunteer 3 days a week, at the Centre and have taken on various tasks ranging from making tea and coffee to playing Bingo and helping serving lunches, which the centre put on 3 days a week as well as breakfast on Saturdays.

“I also set up activities and talk to members.

“The staff go above and beyond in the Elderly Aid centre which is reflected in the smiling faces everyday.

“I look forward to spending my next 8 weeks at Middleton Elderly Aid.”

Ken (Volunteer at South Leeds Life and at Middleton Elderly Aid) says:

“I loved speaking to and been served by Megan at Middleton Elderly Aid. Megan, is a well loved volunteer member of MEA

“I know everyone wishes her well when back at Leeds Trinity University and look forward to her further stories at some time in the future.

“Megan says she received a warm welcome in her time at MEA, and I can say the same, all the staff and Volunteers at the Centre made me most welcome over the last 4 years at the centre.”

Carol, another member and volunteer at Middleton Elderly Aid.

Carol says:

“Having attended the training for Bereavement Counselling, the group was slow to have the uptake. But this seems to taken off with one to one sessions from monthly to fortnightly sessions.

“The feedback from participants is excellent. They feel it’s worthwhile and helps them come to terms with their loss. Having someone to talk to other than relatives, means not everyone getting upset. To follow on from this.

“I’ve volunteered at MEA at the Crafts Group for a couple of years. Then Samantha (CEO at the centre) asked me if I would like to attend some Bereavement training with Tracey the Outreach Worker. It would be useful for Tracey for her outreach work, but also for Sam as she wanted to set up a Bereavement Group.

“Sam was not sure how much interest there would be, but wanted to offer this to members after the Pandemic, as a lot of people lost loved ones.

“I thought this was a great idea, and attended the training through Zoom.”

Ken says

Ken. News Reporter

“I lost my parents within months of each other in 2004. I did receive counselling then, but waited months before I was seen.”

2 Replies to “Stories from the South Leeds Life News Café at Middleton Elderly Aid”

  1. Do you do anything for the disabled, I’m 51yrs old, disabled, moved into a bungalow in the area last July and met no one, it is so lonely

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