St Georges Day At THE GATE


DSCF1485Arrived at Bitmo gate a little early to find already many regulars to the GATE, and a few families there. Keepmoat were already setting up video screen with many of the Students who recently have taken courses with Keepmoat.

This afternoon activities to include face painting, a cake baking competition, Cup Cake decorating, treasure hunt, Computer Competition, craft flag. Decorating shield designing, and more. The day’s events were run by BITMO, Keep moat and Leeds Federation. Children loved being photographed with George and the Dragon. Children enjoyed making swords and Shields out of tin foil and sticky backed plastic.DSCF1497

Hot dogs available and free refreshments. Turned 3.30pm and children now pouring into the gate from school, taking advantage of hot dogs and juice. Coffee and Tea for Adults. Carla, had a busy day helping organizing the day’s events. Paula in kitchen making Hot Dogs. Becky giving out raffle tickets to exchange for a hot dog. Becky tells me volunteering for the event, well done Becky will do well on your CV.  Judith Blake and Kim Groves (councilors) came along to give their support. Had a word with them and told them about memory cafe set up locally in there ward. Kim and Judith to Bob into Paranby Pals Memory Cafe at some point.

John was providing some tunes on his Classical Guitar. John also gives Guitar lessons on a Wednesday night at THE GATE.

DSCF1478Well that was it end of a lovely day, and sorting out all the lovely photos for this blog. Please take a moment to view the slide show at top of this blog. Thank you.

I relinquish © on the Photos to anyone, as long as they mention my name. Thank you.