Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites and blogs.

The Friends of Holbeck Cemetery report on a visit from poet and writer Blake Morrison who was making a programme about Tony Harrison’s poem V for BBC Radio 4.
Cottingley TRAC’s Facebook page includes a link to an offer for Junior Bodyline membership at just £5 for two months. Less happily there is discussion of yellow paint being sprayed on cars.
Happily, Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team report that they have arrested someone for the damage and also report on a busy week including arrests and discovery of stolen property which has now been returned to its rightful owners.
As usual there’s been lots going on at the Hunslet Club including their successful Zumba-thon, an appearance on Sky TV and in the Yorkshire Evening Post.
Speaking of the YEP, they continued their focus on Beeston with stories on:
- Basement Arts Project
- Friends of Cross Flatts Park
- Beeston In Bloom
- Beeston Action For Families
- A potted history of Beeston which was apparently built on lace, hats and coal
Meanwhile on the blogs Voice of Holbeck and Holbeck In Bloom both had news of upcoming meetings.