Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across social media.

The bluebells are finally in bloom in Middleton Woods. Friends of Middleton Park have photos on their Facebook page, plus the first of a host of finger signs which help visitors find their way around the park and Middleton Park Schools Heritage Day which brought 170 pupils to the park today.
Leeds Library service has a blog called Leeds Reads. They are building a literary map of Leeds. South Leeds is dominated by books about Leeds United such as David Peace’s The Damned United and One Northern Soul by Robert Endeacott. They are encouraging nominations, so if you know of a book that mentions your street do get in touch.
Leeds City Council remind all the DIY-ers and garden clearers that the Household Waste sites will be open all over the Bank Holiday weekend and bins will be collected as usual on Monday.
South Leeds Youth Hub has news of half term activities including trips to Flamingoland, Aerial Extreme and Armley LAZER Centre. It’s all on their website.
May is scams awareness month and Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team are promoting the campaign that “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!” With £3.5m lost a year in scams this is no laughing matter. You’ll also find tips on how to talk to someone who has dementia on their Facebook page.
Harry The Hawk was out in Cross Flatts Park to support the Parkrun on Saturday, there are photos on the Hunslet Hawks‘ Facebook page. There’s also advice about parking if you’re going to match on Thursday evening.
There are lots of photos on the Skelton Grange Environment Centre’s Facebook page including the start of a Red Bed, pests and bugs (sawfly larvae I think?) and basket weaving for the Walk On the Wild Side project.
An “ex-copper” living on Cottingley has good advice to other residents to remember to bring in toys from the garden once the kids have gone in for the night. There’s a discussion about keeping chickens and Cottingley church have posted dates for litter picks. It all on the Cottingley Hall TRAC Facebook page.
Those of you on Twitter may know food blogger @EwanMitchell. Well this week he’s Ewan of Leeds as he curates the @PeopleofUK Twitter account. This account, like @PeopleofLeeds, is handed from one citizen to another each week following a model pioneered by @Sweden.
And finally, if you enjoy this weekly round up, you might like the blog Beyond Guardian Leeds. This rounds up blogs from across the city (including this one) three days a week.