Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across Facebook and Twitter.
We start this week at the Child Friendly Leeds Awards, where Beeston’s Hamara Centre’s Supplementary School won in the supporting schools category.
“Since having a daughter it has hit home that we women need to feel able to tell our own story, rather than doing things we think will help us feel accepted.” So says Holly Button, a regular with the South Leeds Sisters. Read her story on the Run Leeds website.
There’s another month to wait until Middleton Railway is carrying passengers again. Why not use that time to fill in your diary with all special events the railway has got planned for the year. The fun starts on Easter weekend when an actual piece of moon rock will be on display!
Beeston blogger Mike Wallis has written thoughtfully about the demise of the Independent newspaper and the fragility of digital archives. Thank heavens South Leeds life is now in print!
Do you want to have a stall at Beeston Festival this year? They’ve open their bookings, you can download the booking form from their website.
A living history walk is promised by Friends of Middleton Park on Sunday (21 February), exploring the sites of big houses in the park and the coal mines that paid for them. Before that on Saturday there is the Young Archaeologists Club and ‘all terrain trikes’.
Are you interested in Holbeck’s future? Then you need to look at the draft Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan which has now been shared on their website.
The Green For Go team are looking for people for adults aged over 26 who have a long-term condition such as COPD, CVD, arthritis, chronic pain or diabetes to join them at our allotment in Lady Pitt Lane allotments in Beeston. Groundwork Leeds organise a range of activities.
Have you heard about Clubbercise? It’s an exercise class that uses easy to follow dance routines to club anthems with glow sticks – what’s not to like? There’s a new, free, class running at The Holbeck on Monday evenings.
And finally, to the ‘Cardinal Triangle’, just on from the Tommy Wass, where Beeston In Bloom have been gardening. By the way, their annual general meeting is coming up on 7 March.