Here’s your weekly round-up of what’s been making south Leeds tick on other websites and blogs. It’s a bit quieter this week – schools are preparing to break up and people’s minds are straying towards their holidays…
The YEP reports a Beeston man who had a history of depression died after plunging from a footbridge over the M621 in Leeds. A landlord who has banned more than 100 troublemakers from the Savannah pub in Hunslet in a zero-tolerance crackdown is being targeted by thugs.
It’s Holbeck Gala at the weekend, check out the website for more. We’ll have more details on the event later this week.
Over on Facebook, Aire Valley Homes has photographs of the official opening of Intake Square in Middleton.
Above is a video introduction to Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team by Inspector Paul Ackerman. The team covers Beeston, Beeston Hill, Cottingley, Holbeck, Hunslet, Stourton & surrounding areas. See their page at
The Middleton Arms, which was demolished earlier this year, would have celebrated its 87th birthday on July 1 this year. Plenty of comments and wished over at the Middleton Arms facebook page.
Nice message from Yvonne Crowther on the White Rose Residents’ Association Facebook page:
Garden waste for Brown Bins
Recycle waste for Green Bins
Household waste for Black Bins
let your neighbours know if they are unaware or are not up on how it should be. : )