Made my up to Middleton Park on a sunny but cold morning to take part in the Skye Valentine’s Day fun run (14 February 2016). A repeat of last year’s fun run. The fun run was to raise money for Candlelighters and Delete Blood Cancer UK, Skye’s charities.
Skye was diagnosed with lymphoblastic and myeloid leukaemia two types of the awful disease.
Unfortunately Skye passed away late last year, so could not be here today, Skye would have loved it.
Last year when we had a fund raiser for Skye’s charities, I met up with Skye and Amelia, (Skye’s Nan) and Skye’s parents in the Hunslet Hawks, Phoenix Bar.
You could tell Skye was very ill on that day, but didn’t let that stop her running around. Amelia said on Sunday remembers a cuddly toy Baby Meercat I gave to Skye on that day.
That day people where encouraged to go on the Bone Marrow register. Unfortunately I could not go onto the Bone Marrow register as I was too old. Many other did, so a fantastic well done to them.
Right, back to the Fun Run
Before the fun run, I took a few moments to have a coffee in the Park Visitors Centre and meet up with many of my friends from the Cross Flats Park Run, the Lakers running group sporting their running vests, and also a few of these ladies from South Leeds Sisters running group.
Then I went to register for the run, they already had my name down as a sponsored runner, so just added to say I was here.

There were a few things to happen before the race, the unveiling of the Skye memorial bench by Cllr Kim Groves, helped by the children to untie the Red ribbon (Valentines Day Colour from the bench, ).
Kim Groves Says:
Was privileged to join Skye’s family, to unveil a memorial bench in Middleton Park, for Skye.
So many people were involved in organising today’s event it was great and so heart-warming to see many many people sharing and supporting the family on Valentine’s Day.
There was a huge turn out to run for Candlelighters and Delete Blood Cancer UK in memory of Skye, balloons were released to remember a very brave and special little girl.
Then we did indeed release some Pink Balloons in memory of Skye. We later learnt that one of these balloons came down in a Park in Derbyshire. A message was returned.
Various mascots in attendance to keep the children amused.
Peppa Pig, A giant Panda who sent me the wrong way on second lap of fun run. Lol. Alice, from Alice in Wonderland.
More mascots I’m sure the children will know from children’s TV programs

Right onto the Fun Run itself
I managed to get a photo of the runners and walkers at the beginning of the race, asking Ben from Run Leeds to hold off from sounding his mega-horn to start the race, until I got my rightful place at the back of the runners. Not wanting to get trampled in the rush. Lol.
We had to complete 2 circuits of the route, although some parents with children did just the one, well done to them.
I was told the circuit for the run had just 1 small hill, yeah right!
The run took us past the Rose Garden, deep into the park and up along near Town Street’s old Park workers cottages.
Was a nice sunny walk, and yes a bit of running around the course for me, although a bit chilly in the shade of the trees.
I’ve never been out of puff in my life. According to my stop watch, it took me 49 minutes dead. Thought that’s good, better time than my park run day before, until I was told route is not exactly 5k.
Then on second lap, down the hill to the finish line. At the finish made my way to the café for another coffee.
Rudi Barker says Running for Skye 2016.
I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that came today, and to all those that donated prizes or bought raffle tickets; it was a truly fabulous and successful day! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
A huge thank you to each and everyone one of you that came to the run, donated, help spread the word about the event and helped out!
A massive well done to my Aunty Amelia and Ben from Run Leeds for organising and holding such an amazing day! It was without a doubt a huge success! They should be very proud.
We will be back again next year! Here’s to many more fundraising events!
Thank you again to you all!
Approx.. Total people Running/Walking today, 220.
From my estimate when the runners took their places, at least that number watching, that means over 500 joined in the fun today.
Money raised £3,600 and still counting.
I then bought a raffle ticket and made my way home, to a nice cup of tea and late lunch.
Raffle ticket winners here:
Thanks to everyone today including Ben (Run Leeds), Amelia (Skye’s Nan) and Kim Groves (for unveiling of the Skye Memorial Bench). Also to Skye’s Mum and Dad.
Some fantastic raffle prizes were won thanks to the shops in the White Rose Centre and more.
Web Links
Skye’s Fight Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (update)
22 February at 21:23
Hi Everybody, Hope you are all well.
We would just like to say how deeply touched and comforted we are by all of the support and donations received for this year’s RUNNING FOR SKYE & SKYE’S MEMORIAL BENCH. 💕💕💕
So far for the FUN RUN alone, we have £3510.78 and If we get all the money promised, in total, we will have raised £4310.78 which is a TRULY FANTASTIC amount xxx
And in addition to this many of you donated towards Skye’s Memorial Bench xxx BENCH DONATIONS reached £1590 xxx ❤❤❤ xxx ALL EXTRA FUNDS ARE TO BE GIVEN DIRECTLY TO SKYE’S FAMILY xxx Thank you again to all who donated xxx
💓💓💓 All FOR OUR PIE – PIE 💓💓💓
Please give us your thoughts on the day in the comments box below: