Consultation launched on introduction of licensing for private rented housing in parts of Leeds
Back in February South Leeds Life reported on a landlord of a property on Beeston Hill described by a judge as a “disgrace”. Now people are being asked for their views on the possible introduction of licensing for private sector rented housing in the area.

The city’s private rented housing sector has expanded rapidly in recent years, showing how important the market is in meeting housing needs.
A lot of effort is put in by the council, partners and stakeholders, to tackle deprivation across Leeds, as parts of the city, such as Beeston and Harehills, do not fare as well as others.
As a result of these inequalities the council is considering introducing selective licensing in parts of Beeston and Harehills to help improve the management of private rented homes and to help ensure tenants benefit from living in a safe, comfortable and secure home.
If introduced in Leeds, selective licensing would mean that every home let by a private landlord within a defined area will need a licence from the council. Each licence would have conditions attached that the licence holder would have to meet.
Mark Ireland, the council’s service manager for private sector housing, said:
“Selective licensing schemes can also help create communities and places where people want to live, play, work and stay. The council is consulting on the proposal for selective licensing in parts of Beeston and Harehills. Everyone with an interest in the areas: residents, landlords, businesses and partners will be provided with information regarding the proposal.”
The council’s Community Hubs in the areas – including Dewsbury Road – will have information available to take away and read for those not online. The consultation runs from August 1 until October 31.
Cllr Debra Coupar, Leeds City Council’s executive member for communities, said:
“A priority for the council is to improve the quality of housing across the city and make sure private rented homes are well managed by landlords. This is why we’re considering introducing selective licensing in parts of Beeston and Harehills.
“We really want to hear your views on these selective licensing proposals and want as many people as possible to have their say.”
More information on selective licensing, including how to have your say, can be found at the following link: www.leeds.gov.uk/selectivelicensing
I agree that landlords should be held accountable. A neighbour Complained to estate agents re damp in house to be advised that he was told the landlord refuses to spend any money on repairs so live with it or move.
I think licensing should be brought in and also a contact tel no. Or dept online for people to report bad landlords to as long as it is gov & police regulated as useless otherwise.
Not all landlords are bad I only have to ring mine with a problem and he is there I think they should look into the houses where they are rented out to two people and end up with 6 7 8 or maybe more living in them most of them are managed by estate agents who are not bothered as long as they are getting there money
Standards should be the same for all rented property, not just in some areas. The council should be able to step in wherever high standards aren’t achieved. Forcing landlords to sign up to standards and pay high fees achieve nothing unless the council inspects each property and enforces the standards required. How are they going to use licensing money?